Four Healthy Foods Everyone Should Eat

stay healthy wo drugsThe best way to maintain a healthy weight is to eat the right foods and take enough exercise. Unfortunately, most people associate healthy eating with bland, boring food and this puts them off the idea of a healthy lifestyle before they have even begun.

Eating the right food doesn’t need to be dull, however, and this article details four types of food that can help boost your wellbeing that you may not previously have thought about.

The first of these is beets. These are one of the most nutritious foods that you can possibly get, and can have a phenomenally beneficial effect on wellness. These little red root vegetables are absolutely packed with two important nutrients called betaine and folate. These nutrients decrease the levels of an amino acid called homocysteine in the blood, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. It can also decrease the rates of cancer. Beets can be added to a salad, as they are best when eaten raw.

Cinnamon not only tastes delicious but also makes a very health addition to the diet. This simple spice lowers blood sugar and reduces your risk of heart disease. Research carried out by the USDA indicates that diabetics who include two grams of cinnamon in their diet every day decrease their cholesterol and sugar levels. It can be added to baking, breakfast or even coffee.

Goji Berries are another little known way of keeping healthy. They are one of the most powerful sources of antioxidants known to man. About the size of a raisin, the berries protect against cancer and diabetes. They can be eaten in yoghurt or mixed in with your breakfast.

Cabbage is the fourth and final health food that you may not be aware of. It contains a substance called sulforaphane, which is thought to help prevent the development of some cancers. It can be eaten raw or cooked in a variety of forms.

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