Can NLP help you lose weight?

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. For the uninitiated, a brief explanation of what that means may be in order. Neuro deals with how we take in information whether it be from sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell; Linguistic refers to the language patterns we use and our thought processes; Programming is how the former combine to influence our behaviour. NLP is essentially an understanding of how our minds function, what makes us tick, and it’s been used with great success for decades as a powerful personal and professional development tool which has been exploited in business and in sport. But it has wider applications which are now beginning to be recognised. So could NLP help you lose weight?

For many of us, food is both an emotional and emotive experience. How many of us have felt something akin to despair as the pounds creep on, leading us to embark on one diet or exercise regime after another? And yet we continue to eat when we’re not really hungry and crave foodstuffs that we know very well will do nothing to address our weight issues to get the short-lived high this indulgence gives us. Our love of “comfort food” is such a deep-seated habit for so many people that it can be a very difficult one to break. In order to do so, we need to fundamentally change our relationship with food and remove the emotional factors that lead us into cycles of yoyo dieting.

NLP weight loss techniques can alter the way you relate to food, removing the emotion from eating, helping you to control your weight loss and, most importantly, to maintain it once you reach your target. So many of us become entrenched in our own negative body image that we begin to believe that effecting such a change would be nothing short of a miracle, and we simply give up trying. But with a better understanding of what makes us eat emotionally and when we’re in greatest danger of doing so, we can start to make positive changes.

So how does NLP work when it comes to weight loss?

In order to change your relationship with food, you first have to understand it. A qualified NLP practitioner can help you to recognise the emotional triggers that lead you to comfort eating, enabling you to replace them with logical, objective steps which can help change those habits. They’ll help you to examine your attitudes to diet and exercise and demonstrate how these can be modified to leave you feeling more positive and able to move forward.

NLP can help you to do away with your negative body image and the idea that you simply have to settle for the body you’ve got. It does so by giving you a defined plan to address your weight, health and fitness issues, effectively reprogramming those triggers that have repeatedly led you to revert to bad habits in the past. Once you’re able to process your thoughts and feelings in relation to food and exercise in a more dispassionate way, you’ll find that weight is no longer the obsession it once was and you could find yourself heading towards your target weight more easily than you’d ever imagined possible.

So if you’re fed up of endless diet fads that have simply left you feeling worse than before when you put back on all the weight you’d lost and more, and you would like calorie counting to be a thing of the past, explore how power of NLP could put you back in control – for good.

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