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Mind Connection
Should Women Complain if Men Notice their Beauty?
For Celia Walden, a British journalist, novelist and critic (who, if you’re interested, is also married to Piers Morgan), men can’t be expected to turn a blind eye to beauty. Walden details a recent incident on the subway where she saw a…
The “Love Your Body” Message: Simplistic and Condescending?
In today’s media, we seem to have gone a bit bipolar in the weight loss stakes; while magazines display anorexic models to make you die a little bit inside, you also have Gok Wan getting women to take off their clothes and show off how much…
What Attributes Create the Public’s Perfect Woman?
The results of a survey asking participants which celebrity body parts would create their ideal man and woman are in. The ideal man would have Brad Pitt's jaw line, David Beckham's body and Daniel Craig's eyes, according to the results, as…
Rare Disorder Causes You to Overeat in Your Sleep
In a rare condition, a 55 year old woman recently stated that she needs to follow a strict diet throughout the day as she has no control over what she eats at night. Lesley Cusack says that she can only determine what she's eaten by the…
Can NLP help you lose weight?
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. For the uninitiated, a brief explanation of what that means may be in order. Neuro deals with how we take in information whether it be from sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell; Linguistic…
More Men Increasingly Suffering From Eating Disorders
Most people are familiar with the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia, but if asked the majority would probably associate these disorders mainly with women. A new study has revealed that men are also increasingly suffering from these…
Love Your Body, Love Your Heart: The Health-Weight Connection
Many people want to lose weight for aesthetic reasons, but there is more to maintaining a healthy weight than looking good. Perhaps you should be more concerned about the risks to your health, and especially to your heart.
How Weight Can…
How to Overcome the Number One Obstacle of Weight Loss
The chances are that, in your adult life, you have, or will have one day, actively tried to lose or manage your weight. Once you have attempted this, you know just how difficult weight loss or a better wellness lifestyle can be to maintain.…
The Importance Of Self-Love In Losing Weight
Weight loss doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, when you make the decision to improve your lifestyle and change your ways for the better, you will actually feel a boost of excitement as you move into a new positive lifestyle. The decision…
Emotional Roller-coaster: How Does Weight Loss Affect You?
There’s no denying that weight loss leads to major physical changes; you’re slimmer, you need new clothes because the old ones don’t fit, and chances are the healthy diet you’re having has made your skin look amazing! However, these aren’t…
The Best Way To Lose Weight By Knowing Yourself
Don’t listen to the hype and the media. Weight loss is exactly as hard as you make it and there are all sorts of things you can do to make it easier on you. Of course for some people it’s easy anyway and they don’t need the advice but I can…
Marriage Could Lead To Weight Gain According To Study
When we consider stages in our lives where we’re most likely to gain weight, we tend to assume that it is during phases such as our teens or early adulthood, when our diets are perhaps not as much of a priority as they are in later life.…
Is Your Attitude Getting In The Way Of Your Weight Loss?
Whether your wellness goals revolve around your health, career, relationships, emotional wellbeing, or, yes, your weight, a negative mindset will always make the difference between achieving your goal, and failing to reach it.
How Can Hypnotherapy Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals?
You may fear that your wellbeing is not secure when you’re hypnotised, but this state of protracted sleep can be beneficial to your wellness. Hypnotherapy is not just a trick you see on the stage, but is used extensively in medicine,…
Please Refrain from Disdain as I enquire as to Weight Gain
Weight is a massive issue in the world today and there are thousands of different methods on the market to help to solve this problem. Everyone’s desperate to shed those extra pounds be they only a few or a few more than a few. There are so…
Weight Loss Blues? Perk up and keep trying!
So you’re looking to lose weight and you’re faced with 101 methods and techniques on how best to do that, but which is actually going to work? Well the truth is that any of them could feasibly work for you and it’s actually less of an issue…
Why Newcastle Is Being Brainwashed Into Better Weight Loss
There are many ways to improve your wellness, as well as your weight loss, and a South Tyne side entrepreneur has potentially found one. Keith Jobes, a former IT manager, is helping people look after their wellbeing using the power of the…
How can you make your brain healthier and happier?
Getting older is inevitable, and as we get older, so our brains age too. Aging brains can lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems, which is obviously something that most people want to avoid. How can we make our brains…
How to Motivate Yourself to Lose 10 Pounds – and Then Do It!
Great weight loss results don’t come from a slight inclination and one or two temporary quick fixes. If you want to look after your wellbeing and lose weight and keep it off, you need to make sustained wellness changes to your mindset and…
If Obesity Has Risen, Why Has Weight Counselling Decreased?
The fact that obesity rates are increasing in the west is not secret. Many wellness experts use these statistics every day to urge you to take care of your wellbeing and lose weight, but according to Penn State College of Medicine…
Do Emotions Keep You From Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals?
When you want to lose weight, you often focus on your factors that affect your physical wellbeing, such as diet and exercise, but according to a new survey of psychologists, perhaps you should focus on your emotional wellness if permanent…
Does Diet Cause Feelings Of Depression And Drug Withdrawal?
It’s well established that a diet of fatty and sugary foods isn’t good at all for your physical wellness, but a new study has shown that these foods can harm your mental wellbeing. If you’re on a diet, this can cause chemical changes in the…
Can You Trick Yourself Into Losing Weight?
People say that the key to weight loss is all in the mind, so could you trick it into better wellness? It sounds odd, but if your wellbeing is at stake of weight-related health and emotional problems, maybe a little trickery is in order.…
Get the Right Diet Mindset for Better Results
Getting a bit more savoury, vegetables are another You might be considering a diet in order to lose weight and get trim. However, this mindset could put your wellbeing at risk to a lack of nourishment, and changing your frame of mind to…
Meditation Is The New Fat Burner
When you think of burning fat, how long would it be before you thought of meditation? Not only can meditation improve your mental and spiritual wellness, it can actually help you look after your physical wellbeing through weight loss.…
Denial and Your Real Weight
Oh it's a scary though, isn't it? People knowing how much you actually weigh. Maybe they'll judge you for it and maybe they won't, at the end of the day what does it matter. You're who you are and a negative body image isn't going to help…
What is the Absolute Easiest Way to Lose Weight?
You need to have weight loss mindset, which is the easiest way to lose weight. Why is this the easiest way to do it? Your mindset is 90% of the game of lasting success with your weight, leaving diet and exercise, which is a lonely 10%.…
The Real Reason Your Diet Didn’t Work
When you do not get permanent results after our diet program, do you feel frustrated? Yes. The real reason your diet didn't work is because it cannot do for you what must be done, if you ever wish to achieve permanent weight loss.
Do You Lie About the Size of Your Weight?
Collectively, we seem to be in denial about weight. If you lie to yourself about your weight gain, or you lie to your friend about theirs, you’re putting that person’s wellbeing at risk of not making the necessary diet and exercise…
Is it mind over matter when maintaining your weight?
One of the biggest issues that weight loss seekers face is that they simply cannot stick with a diet that continues to deprive them of their favorite foods for weeks and months on end. This invariably leads to failure in the long run, but…