How Can Lemon Help You to Lose Your Postnatal Weight?

Pregnancy is an amazing time, and there’s no denying that the beautiful new little person in your life is worth all that bother that your body and wellbeing goes through, but what about after the baby’s born? Suddenly, you don’t have the excuse of being pregnant for why you’re the size of an exercise ball, so how do you get your weight in better shape?


Getting your figure back after giving birth is a common wellness concern for pregnant women, but – unfortunately – postnatal weight loss is not easy as you can look pregnant even after the delivery. This happens because, during pregnancy, your uterus expands over a nine-month period, and so it will inevitably takes time before it snaps back into its normal shape and size. Plus, the effects that pregnancy and delivery have on your hormones and diet can make weight loss even trickier, so you need as much help as you can get. Luckily, your postnatal weight loss diet can be a whole lot simpler with one citrus fruit; lemon. Let’s look at how can lemon help you to get back to the old you.


Lemon juice – Lemon juice is a healthy fluid to drink after delivery, but if you want to really shift that postnatal weight, you need to refrain from adding sugar. Instead, add a little healthy, fat-burning honey. Together, these ingredients work to burn away the fat deposits in your body, flush out any toxins and keep your stomach clean. Try having lemon and honey juice first thing in the morning, as the cocktail is at its most effective when consumed on an empty stomach.


Hot lemon water – Hot water is known for its weight loss benefits, so try to drink hot water all day long. However, do not have the water immediately after having meals, just have a few sips to soothe your dry throat if you feel thirsty. It’s best to have a glass of hot water 30-60 minutes after eating, and you can add a little lemon to get the most effective results. For postnatal weight loss, all you need is three glasses of hot lemon water a day.


Lemon Dressing – You’ll probably eat a few salads in your bid to shift that pregnancy weight, but watch out for the dressing! Salad dressing is really fattening, particularly if it has cream and mayonnaise. So for postnatal weight loss, try using lemon for dressing your salad instead.

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