Warning: Diet Soda Does not Help You to Lose Weight

When you are trying to lose weight, one of the first switches that you might make is from regular to diet soda. Cutting out all those empty calories in sugary drinks must be beneficial for your wellbeing, right? Well, in truth, new research is increasingly revealing that diet drinks could be damaging to your wellness and very detrimental to your weight-loss efforts, too!

The study was carried out at Purdue University, and has found that diet drinks may be linked to a large number of health problems, such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. This is also the case for their sugary counterparts.

A number of recent studies have also shown that drinking diet soft drinks may also increase the likelihood of weight gain and overeating, as well as the health problems associated with excess weight. One of these studies showed that drinking diet soda actually doubles the risk of people developing metabolic syndrome, which is often a precursor for cardiovascular disease.

The main message that scientists want to transmit to the public as a result of this study is that people should be aware of how much sugar they are consuming and make sure they limit it, and that this applies equally to real sugar and artificial sugar. People cannot afford to be complacent simply because they are drinking drinks that are sweetened artificially with chemicals.

Scientists also say that the focus should not be on comparing diet sodas with regular sodas, but assessing whether diet sodas are, in themselves, good for you. The study included drinks sweetened with all different kinds of chemicals, such as saccharin, aspartame and sucralose. Around 30 percent of the population ingests these kinds of drinks on a daily basis.


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