What Do Trainers Wish You Knew About Your Workout?
If you work out regularly, you probably feel you are doing everything you possibly can to look after your wellness and wellbeing. This is not the case, however, as you can be making mistakes within your fitness routine and undermining your workout. Fitness experts have compiled a list of the most common exercise problems – and what to do about them.
Firstly, when you do the same exercise routine around three to six times, your body adapts to the routines, and you will then burn fewer calories when you continue to do this workout. Your results in terms of both weight loss and muscle definition will then slow down, and this can be quite frustrating. In addition to this, doing the same exercise over and over again can put undue strain on the joints and can eventually lead to injuries.
The best thing to do to combat this is to switch up your workouts. You can do this by, once a month, changing one thing in your weight training and cardio regimes. Take a fitness class instead of going for a walk, for example, or use a different type of weight. Researchers have found that people who vary their exercise routines burn more calories but also enjoy their exercise routines more and thus stick with them for a longer period of time.
You also need to be aware that cardio is not the only way to lose fat. When people are trying to lose weight they often stick to activities such as running, walking and biking, which increase their heart rate. If you really want to lose weight, however, it is important to build lean muscle. Muscles keep on burning calories after your workout is complete, increasing the number of calories that you burn in a day. Strength training three times per week can add around three pounds of muscle in three months, thus increasing your metabolism around six or seven percent.
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