How to Prevent Diseases with an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
In recent years, you may have heard mention of “anti-inflammatory” and “antioxidant” with regards to nutrition and wellness, but is this just another diet fad? Not according to Karen Lamphere, MS, CN, as she believes that anti-inflammatory foods aren’t just helpful for looking trim; they can guard your wellbeing against a whole host of diseases and health conditions, including IBS, arthritis, asthma, allergies, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. So, how can you include more anti-inflammatory goodness in your diet?
1. Include healthy, anti-inflammatory proteins: Lamphere notes, ‘There is a difference in the saturated fat and omega-3 fat content in grain-fed versus grass-fed beef, with the latter being a more healthful choice for an anti-inflammation diet. In addition, organic pasteurized eggs have a better anti-inflammatory fatty acid profile than factory-farmed eggs.’
2. Reduce your intake of unhealthy fats: Omega-6 fats, trans fats and saturated fats promote inflammation in your body. Lamphere explains that omega-6 fats ‘are inflammatory because they are metabolised into hormone-like compounds that actually promote inflammation.’ These fats are found in oils; corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut and soybean. Lamphere adds, ‘Another fat that is highly inflammatory in trans fat. This fat is found in processed or fast foods, especially those that are fried. It is best to avoid trans fat entirely.’
3. Increase your intake of monounsaturated oils: According to Lamphere, ‘Most people eating a Western diet high in processed food or fast food consume a lot of omega-6 fats – and not enough of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats – and it is this imbalance between the two that promotes inflammation.’ Aim to include more omega-3 fats in your diet through extra-virgin olive oil, fatty fish, fish oil, walnuts and walnut oil, flax and flax-seed oil, and hemp-seed and hemp-seed oil.
4. Lessen your intake of unhealthy carbs: Foods that are high on the glycaemic index – white flours and sugars, for example – can exacerbate your inflammatory conditions. Lamphere comments, ‘These foods elevate insulin and glucose levels, which raise levels of pro-inflammatory messengers.’
5. Get as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as you can: Blueberries, strawberries, and dark leafy greens are top picks for an anti-inflammatory diet, as these are the produce with the highest content of antioxidants. Lamphere adds, ‘Fruits and vegetables high antioxidants are important, especially onions, garlic, peppers and dark leafy greens. These are high in inflammation-fighting carotenoids, vitamin K and vitamin E.’
6. Cook with anti-inflammatory herbs and spices: Not only do herbs and spices like ginger, turmeric, cayenne, garlic and onions help to add more flavour to your dish, they can also help you combat diseases. ‘Turmeric, oregano, rosemary, ginger and green tea contain bioflavonoids and polyphenols that reduce inflammation and limit free radical production,’ Lamphere asserts. ‘Some of the most potent anti-inflammatory vegetables are peppers and the spices derived from them, such as cayenne pepper. All chilli peppers include capsaicin (the hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it has), which is a potent inhibitor of substance P – a neuropeptide associated with inflammatory processes.’
6. Clear your diet of foods that cause sensitivities: Some people can eat whatever they like, but you may be sensitive or even allergic to certain foods without even realising. Lamphere recommends trying an elimination diet to determine which foods are causing you problems. She urges, ‘Many people are intolerant to the proteins in wheat and dairy, and this can initiate an inflammatory cascade that starts in the gut but can have far-reaching [systemic] effects.’
7. Relax: Stress is a huge cause of inflammation so it’s important to find relaxation techniques that work for you. Plus, the likelihood is that your new anti-inflammatory diet will help you to feel better anyway, which can lead to a pleasant cycle of helping you to deal more effectively with daily stressors.
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