Construction Injuries: 4 Tips to Overcoming Emotional Distress

Being injured on the job can bring a whole host of additional problems with it, particularly when hurt working construction. Not only do you have your injury to recover from, there’s also the additional distress you may feel with financial worries, anxiety about returning to the job and panic about how you will adjust to your new life should your injury become a lifelong problem. Trying to overcome all these obstacles can cause feelings of hopelessness. So where do you start when it’s all happening to you?



Coping with a Construction Injury

If you’ve ever worked in construction, you know that injuries on the job are a common problem. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) identified the top four common construction injuries as falls, electrocutions, being struck by objects and being caught in or between objects. With all the possible dangers of working on site, it’s little wonder that injuries are commonplace. However, tending to your mind is just as important as healing any external wounds when you’re recovering from a workplace injury. Here are a few ways you can get started.


1) Tackle your Financial Worries

Being unable to work, through recovery or an injury that keeps you off the job, can be a frightening prospect. There are mounting hospital and doctor bills and piles of paperwork to fill out, not to mention the ever-present demands of rent, mortgage and creditors. Speaking to a local construction accident lawyer is one of the best things you can do to get yourself back on track by having them handle your workers compensation claim. Whether it is a Dallas or New York construction accident lawyer needed, having a qualified injury lawyer working your case can free you up to focus on dealing with your recovery and your anxiety issues.


2) Learn Coping Mechanisms

Though construction workers have a tough image, there is no shame in admitting you need additional help with your recovery in an emotional sense. Speak to your doctor who will be able to suggest the right method of therapy for you to pursue. It can be something as simple as a book on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) all the way to regular sessions with a therapist to teach you new coping mechanisms. Remember, if you are experiencing feelings of hopelessness or depression, it is important that you share this with your doctor, as you may need to look at prescriptions to help you through your difficult time.


3) Look to Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies are a great route to go down if you’re looking to relieve pain and promote relaxation. Acupuncture has been used for centuries for injury recovery, and can also give you time to relax and clear your mind. Yoga is also a great method for stretching muscles and is often recommended by doctors as an effective way to get back into shape post-injury. Try looking into herbal remedies too that can promote calm, such as Valerian root, which can be taken in either tea or pill form. Remember to always check with your doctor before embarking on any new therapy to ensure it doesn’t interfere with what you’re already doing.


4) Realize you’re not Alone

When you’ve been injured and are experiencing feelings anxiety or depression, it’s very easy to feel like you’re alone. It’s important to realize you’re not the only one this has ever happened to, and that you have a support system available to you. Though it may seem easier to close yourself off, reaching out to friends and family is particularly important during this time. Social interaction is a great way to help alleviate depression. Never be afraid to ask for help.



Recovering from a work injury can often mean more than just healing your outside. Many people experience anxiety, worry and even depression following an accident. These are all normal feelings, and by following a few tips and keeping your family and friends close, you can ensure a quick recovery for both your mind and body.



Lisa Coleman shares some tips about how a person who works in the construction industry might be able to overcome some of the emotional distress that can accompany an on the job injury. She recently read online about how a New York construction accident lawyer firm can legally represent the legalities for such a case.



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