Can Eating Turmeric Prevent Damage To Your Throat Wellness?

When something in your body doesn’t work properly, it’s always scary, but there’s something in particular that’s uncomfortable about not being able to swallow properly. Problems with your throat wellness, like oesophageal inflammation and scarring, known as an oesophageal stricture, occurs from many causes and can lead to serious swallowing difficulties. However, though it’s not officially considered a cure or treatment for oesophageal strictures, turmeric is a common Indian and Asian spice that displays some medicinal properties, such as the ability to reduce inflammation and combat antioxidants and may help prevent damage to your wellbeing in some capacity.


So what is an oesophageal stricture exactly? Your oesophagus is a tube that runs from your throat to your stomach and delivers food and liquid into your gastrointestinal system for digestion and absorption. Acid reflux disease, chronic vomiting, alcoholism, infections, medical procedures or cancerous processes can damage the lining of your oesophagus, which can lead to inflammation and scar tissue build-up. Therefore, the lumen of the oesophagus becomes narrow and stiff, and this inflammation and scarring will eventually produce a ring of damaged tissue, or oesophageal stricture, which narrows the opening of your oesophagus.


Primarily, oesophageal strictures cause difficulty and discomfort with swallowing food and even liquids, but you can also experience a sensation of having food trapped in the oesophagus, regurgitation of food, weight loss and malnourishment. It’s usually treated with drugs called proton pump inhibitors, anti-inflammatories and vasodilators, but in extreme cases surgical treatment is considered. Though no herbal remedies are yet specifically recommended for oesophageal strictures, turmeric’s various properties may be useful.


Turmeric root is an ancient Indian tool for remedies, as well as it’s use as a dye and a spice. The Natural Standard Herb & Supplement Reference: Evidence-based Clinical Reviews, list the main medicinal compound in turmeric as curcumin, and dub it a powerful antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Turmeric powder and curcumin extract are used to treat heartburn, stomach upset and a variety of gastrointestinal complaints, and could treat oesophageal strictures because it reduces acid reflux disease and chronic heartburn. Turmeric also promotes healing and deters infections.


More research is needed before any recommendations can be made, but you can get turmeric in curry dishes or in capsule form. Consult a naturopath, herbalist or practitioner of ayurvedic medicine about the potential benefits and side effects of consuming turmeric, and the appropriate daily dosages for you.

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