Having a Continental Breakfast? Healthy Choices to Make

If you are travelling a lot, it can be hard to keep a handle on your diet and nutrition. Not everything that you are served up in a hotel is good for your wellness. Even something as innocent as a continental breakfast can be damaging for your wellbeing, as all those calories in the bagels and pastries start to add up.


There are ways to enjoy a continental breakfast without piling on the pounds, however, as there are often many different options available. If you know what you are doing you can avoid the fattiest products and stick to the healthier options.


For a start, most continental breakfasts include a fruit platter. If you are watching your weight or simply trying to be healthy, fill up on all this lovely fresh fruit, knowing that it is packed full of vitamins and nutrients and very low in calories.


Granola is also a good option. If you are going for this breakfast food then make sure that you keep your serving small, however, such as a half cup or less. It is packed full of healthy carbohydrates and good sugars, but it does also contain fats. Combine it with skimmed milk, fruit and low fat yoghurt to fill you up without too many calories.


Fresh fruit juice is usually available on the menu too. Go for the tomato or vegetable juice option, if possible, as these will fill up your stomach, pump you full of vitamins and minerals, but will not contain the number of calories that are usually present in the fruit juices.


You should do your best to avoid bagels, however, as these are absolutely packed with calories and that’s before you even add any topping. Steer clear too of bear claws and other sweet pastries, as they are pure sugar with very little nutrition.

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