How to Get Back in Shape After the Diwali Celebrations

Diwali is a wonderful time filled with festivities, celebrations and, above all, wonderful food, to be enjoyed with family and friends. When the celebrations are over, however, many people look around and realise that their gym regime and diet have completely gone to pot. It can be very hard to pick up the reins of a healthy lifestyle, but of course it is very important for your wellness and wellbeing.


Try not to berate yourself too much, first of all, because it is important to recognise that these special celebrations with family and friends have health benefits for you in other ways. As long as you get back into the groove and reclaim your healthy regime afterwards, there is no harm in taking a little time off over Diwali to truly celebrate and indulge.


The human body has a natural detoxification system, but if you have really been going to town on the sweet treats and unhealthy food, your vital organs will be suffering, and you will suffer some unpleasant side effects as your body struggles to cope with getting rid of all the toxins you are pumping into it. These can include skin problems, a bloated tummy, constipation and even unpleasant body odours. Underneath these surface problems, it can also lead to more serious problems such as high cholesterol, blocked arteries and heart problems.


To fight against all these, you need to bear some important health tips in mind, and the most important one is not to go on a crash diet. Your post-Diwali panic may lead you to want to lose all the weight straight away, but avoiding any food group is an unhealthy way to go about things. You should eliminate unhealthy foods but don’t cut out any actual food groups.


It’s definitely time, however, to stock up on the fresh fruit and veg. Replace all your usual unhealthy treats with vegetables, juices and fruits as well as coconut water and fruit yoghurts for optimal health.

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