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Breast Cancer Preventative Treatments Unveiled

Breast cancer is a killer. It's one of the most common kinds of cancer in the world and is responsible for countless deaths throughout last few decades alone. A lot of time, effort and research into put into combating cancer in general…

How effective is mistletoe in treating cancer?

Mistletoe is more commonly associated with festive kisses than complementary health, but in actual fact evidence is accumulating for its anti-cancer benefits. Previously used to treat conditions such as arthritis, epilepsy, headaches and…

Do Bone Health Drugs cause Cancer?

Risks associated with medicines can put us off taking them because we can get worried for our wellness. So a new study that breaks the link between bone health drugs and a form of cancer may be good news for some. Positive and…

Combat Cancer with the Super Seven

Cancer is one of the biggest threats to your wellness, but can you battle against it with something as simple as your diet? Though no one is yet able to say one food or another can stop cancer, a body of research suggests an overall healthy…

Prostate Cancer Survivors Experience

Men who undergo surgical removal of prostate cancer can experience significant levels of anxiety one year after surgery, and higher levels of anxiety appears to be linked to poor sexual satisfaction and depression.  Men who experience high…

Kuna Cocoa Is Good For Your Health- Here’s How!

If someone said to you “chocolate can be great for your health” you might look at them in a strange way and laugh. It’s a fact that we think many things about chocolate – but probably never that it is a health food. There are a number of…