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Learn to Love Public Speaking

Do you have a fear of public speaking? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, some surveys have shown that people are less afraid of death than they are of speaking in public. But in the world of business most of us will be called upon to give a…

The Problem with Perfection

Do you feel like you’re constantly striving to be perfect? Are you setting exceptionally high standards in every area of your life? Do you long for the perfect body, house or relationship? If so, you could find that trying to be perfect is…

Declutter for a Greener Home

Is your home a haven of organised tranquillity – or are your cupboards and drawers bursting at the seams with junk? Clutter in the home is known to drain our emotional energy – after all, looking at mess is depressing and having to battle…

Charity-Shop Chic

From chemical processes and transportation methods to unwanted clothes ending up in landfill, many people are questioning what effect the fashion industry has on the environment. The good news is that there are lots of alternatives to…

Get More from Meetings

Ever feel like meetings are taking over your entire day? Well, you’re not alone. In his book How to Manage Meetings, Alan Barker says that most people, working in organisations, spend 60 per cent of their time in meetings. And love them or…

Focus on Fashion

With the price of fashion falling all the time, it’s become easier than ever for many people to buy new clothes on a monthly or even weekly basis. And when fashions change so quickly, the longevity of an item of clothing is shorter than…

How to Recognise Workplace Bullying

Not so long ago, bullying in the workplace was a problem that was widely ignored. Thankfully, attitudes have changed and today many employers have policies in place to deal with workplace bullying. In addition, staff who feel they are being…

Does Positive Thinking Work?

We’re used to everyone from television celebrities to self-help gurus endorsing the benefits of positive thinking. And thinking positively has been linked to everything from becoming successful in business to recovering from a serious…