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Six Ways To Forget Your Tobacco Cravings

Giving up cigarettes is hard; the understatement of the century? Possibly, as it’s well documented that people have enormous difficulties when they’re trying to kick the habit for good and live a smoke free life, either for the sake of…

Time to Quit: Tips to Help you Quit Smoking

Knowing you need to quit smoking is easy; after all, the negative effects of tobacco and nicotine are well documented. In fact, they are printed on every packet of cigarettes. However, it is one thing to choose to quit and another to…

15 Reasons To Quit Cigarettes

Smoking’s a bad idea – it doesn’t take a genius to work that out. Unfortunately, despite the fact that so many people know that smoking is very bad for them, they still continue to do it. So, to give you a kick, here are the top 15 reasons…