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How To Navigate The Supplement Market

Along with the rise in popularity of complementary medicines we have also seen a rise in the scare factor associated with them. Many wellness supplements previously thought to be mild, herbal and safe are now suspected to be the cause of…

Controversy In The US Supplements Industry

The use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) now represents a significant proportion of all healthcare. Recent statistics from the US suggested that 74.6 per cent of adults will use CAM at least once in their lives. The Centers…

Vitamins Linked To Fitness Levels In Teenagers

During our teenage years our metabolism is usually very high. Having a high metabolism should, in theory, make it easier to stay relatively physically fit. But this isn’t always the case, and some children entering adolescence often have a…

Could Vitamin D Help Prevent Tooth Decay?

It’s impossible to pick up a magazine or watch a film without finding a set of sparkling white teeth shining at us. It’s clear: we live in a world where having good teeth is seen as something very important. And it’s not just about the…