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Fasting- Does it Really Work?

It’s no great secret that the western world has an obsession with dieting, and it’s wholly understandable. Many of us hold jobs that see us sat in front of a computer 9 hours a day, and these times of economic austerity often mean a costly…

Is Lack Of Sleep Making You Fat?

There is a link between sleep and weight, and it’s not the one that you might imagine. Many people envisage a stereotypical image of lazy people who sleep a lot being overweight, but in fact quite the reverse is true. Sleep is not only…

What Everyone Should Know About Fitness

Everyone knows that, in order to stay healthy, it’s important to have a balanced diet, but far too many people ignore the beneficial effects that exercise can also have on their bodies. Fitness is an often undervalued element of wellness,…

Calorie Counting Can Be A Thing Of The Past

It’s long been thought that one of the only ways to lose weight is to count every calorie of the food you eat. But burning more calories than you’re eating and increasing your physical activity is a more effective way to do this. Cutting…

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Safe and Speedy Way

With summer (eventually) on it’s way, you can start to wonder how you’re going to look in your bikini. It might be nice for your overall sense of wellbeing to lose a few pounds, but how do you stay motivated so you can look hot to trot when…