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The Lowdown about Prostate Screening

One of the most common cancers in men is prostate cancer and when caught early, its treatment can be successful. Annual screenings for men to check for prostate cancer begin about the age 50, higher risk men about 40. However, controversy…

A Robotic Cancer Gun – Is This The Future?

Scientific advancements are making the prognosis for cancer sufferers better and better all the time. The latest development is of particular interest to prostate cancer sufferers, and comes in the form of a robot that can do more accurate…

Prostate Exams Could Be A Thing Of The Past

Prostate exams aren’t fun. Anyone who’s ever had one or who knows what one entails will tell you that with a grim tilt of the head and a refusal to meet your eyes. In a time when we’ve done such miraculous things with scanning technology,…

Prostate Cancer Survivors Experience

Men who undergo surgical removal of prostate cancer can experience significant levels of anxiety one year after surgery, and higher levels of anxiety appears to be linked to poor sexual satisfaction and depression.  Men who experience high…