Sharpen Up in the Kitchen

Would you like to impress your dinner party guests with beautifully-presented dishes? Or perhaps you’re looking to speed up food preparation to save time in the kitchen. Well, however you’re looking to improve your culinary techniques, a…

Should I Give My Baby a Dummy?

Dummies (sometimes called pacifiers) are one of those things that split parents’ opinions. Some swear by them as they are useful for calming and soothing babies whilst others think they should be avoided, believing that using a dummy can…

A Breath of Fresh Air

Everyone likes their home to smell nice but sometimes unpleasant odours get the better of us and we have to resort to air fresheners to counteract nasty pongs. The problem with many commercial air fresheners is that they contain a host of…

Identifying the ‘Goldilocks’ Genes

A team of geneticists at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland have published a list what have been termed ‘Goldilocks’ genes in the body that are responsible for a wide range of diseases. The genes, which cause a number of conditions, such as…

Cancer Cells Need Fat To Spread

In a breakthrough, scientists have discovered that cancer cells move round the body using ‘roads’ made from fat in the lymphatic system. It’s thought that if we can switch off the cells ability to eat these fatty acids then it might be…

Reiki – The Healing Life Force

Reiki is a form of healing that aims to trigger the body’s natural healing abilities for improved wellness. Originating in Japan, the word ‘Reiki’ is derived from two Japanese words: ‘rei’, which means ‘God’s wisdom’ and ‘ki’, which is…

Dog Therapy in the Workplace.

A study suggests that bringing dogs into work can reduce stress, improve job satisfaction and boost morale. US researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University looked at 75 employees at a manufacturing company where workers were allowed to…

Take Your Meeting Outdoors

Forget stuffy offices and boring boardrooms - if you want to get more out of your meetings, why not try a completely new environment by arranging a meeting outdoors? Whether it’s in a local park, on a bench in the grounds of your office or…

The Danger of Ponds

Ponds make an attractive and interesting feature in the garden but they also pose a danger, especially to children, so it’s important to ensure your pond is safe. If you have young children it’s recommended that you don’t build a pond until…

Learn to Love Public Speaking

Do you have a fear of public speaking? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, some surveys have shown that people are less afraid of death than they are of speaking in public. But in the world of business most of us will be called upon to give a…

Dating After Divorce

Going through divorce can be an upsetting and traumatic process and when you’re in the middle of a marriage breakup you might vow to stay single forever. But once the dust has settled and you’ve got used to life after divorce, you might…