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Understanding Depression and its Symptoms

Depression is a term which gets attributed to a number of mild emotional episodes, such as when we're feeling a bit down about life in general. However, for those suffering with depression, this common mistake can undermine genuine…

Bipolar disorder: What You Need to Know

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition which is commonly associated with depression, as this is one of the symptoms of the illness. Those suffering with bipolar disorder, which can sometimes be referred to as manic depression,…

How to Lift your Mood with your Diet

Stress is a common factor of modern lifestyles, thanks to our busy work lives, financial commitments and family responsibilities. Most of us struggle to find the time to exercise and, as a result, our health is suffering. Your diet is…

How Does Emotional Abuse Affect the Brain?

A new study has found that childhood emotional and sexual abuse mark women's brains in distinctive patterns, with emotional affecting regions which are involved in self-awareness and sexual abuse linked to areas involved in genital…