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Know Your Sun Risk

We all know that it’s important to wear sun protection when sunbathing abroad to protect against the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. But when at home, particularly in cooler climates, it’s easy to forget that our skin…

Alcohol More Deadly Than Drugs

Although most people think the use of illicit drugs is far worse than alcohol abuse, research done as far back as 2010 by a British government neuropharmacologist advisor found this was not true. David Nutt, MD, of Imperial College London,…

Is Debt a Necessary Part of Modern Life?

Whether it’s a loan for a new car or a store card for your favourite clothes shop, it’s never been so easy to obtain goods or services now and pay later. And for some people, this means falling into an endless cycle of debt. But in today’s…

Should We Wait to Have Kids?

More and more people are waiting until their late thirties and beyond to have children. For some the reasons are financial; others simply want to enjoy life with no responsibilities before parenthood. But is it best to wait until later in…

Get More from Meetings

Ever feel like meetings are taking over your entire day? Well, you’re not alone. In his book How to Manage Meetings, Alan Barker says that most people, working in organisations, spend 60 per cent of their time in meetings. And love them or…

Is Controlled Crying Harmful?

When a baby cries all night long for no apparent reason parents can soon become desperate to find a way to get a good night’s sleep. One of the more controversial methods for dealing with sleepless nights is controlled crying. This approach…

Too Much on Your Plate? Then Delegate!

For some people delegation comes easily but for others giving up control of certain tasks can be difficult. Whether you manage a large team or just one or two people, there will be times when you’re just too busy to do everything yourself.…