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Are Doctors Too Quick to Diagnose Mental Health Problems?
It seems like mental health problems are on the rise, as is our need for medications – or is it? According to James Davies, author of Cracked and a psychological therapist who has worked for the NHS and the mental health charity Mind, this…
Screen Teens More Likely to Be Depressed, Says Study
If your children spent more time watching TV than playing a sport, their emotional wellness may be at risk. This is according to a new study, published online this month in the Journal of Science and Medicine, which has found a link between…
Me, Myself and I: Personal Pronoun Use Leads to Depression
If you often say “me”, “myself” and “I”, your emotional wellness is more likely to be affected by depression and anxiety. This is according to new research from scientists at the University of Kassel, Germany, who found that the people who…
A Smile a Day: Canada Launches Depression-Fighting Campaign
Through the Canadian Mental Health Association's Be Well Winnipeg campaign, Kabilan Mohanarajan helps to educate people to take care of their own mental and emotional wellbeing, but also to build a stronger community that promotes wellness…
New Study Explains Why Sleep Deprivation Eases Depression
You might not think that sleep deprivation is conducive to emotional wellness, but many of those whose wellbeing is affected by depression often experience temporary relief after forgoing a good night’s sleep. Yes, sleep deprivation is an…
Misery Loves Company: Is a Negative Attitude Contagious?
The emotional wellness of the people in your life has an impact on yours. This is according to a new study, published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, which found that the way the people around you respond to stressful events…
How to Use Magic Mushrooms to Cure Severe Depression
It is very difficult to carry out any research using illegal drugs, which is why it is only just coming to light that a compound found in the illegal drug magic mushrooms may be the answer to curing depression. People who live with this…
Sectioning: What is it and Who Does it Affect?
Roughly 10% of people will experience some form of mental health problem at any time. For a small minority of people, mental health problems can have such an impact on wellness that life becomes overwhelming. When this happens to you, you…
Stigma: The Most Toxic Issue Facing Mental Illness Sufferers
When your wellness is afflicted with any condition, stigma and discrimination can take its toll. However, these issues can really affect the wellbeing of those with mental health problems, greatly exacerbating the difficulties they face.…
3D Avatars Speaking Out For Depression Patients
Being diagnosed with clinical depression is both a blessing and a curse – you learn that there are ways of coping with it, but then it can be difficult to talk about, particularly to those who have already made up their mind about you.…
How to Improve Your Emotional Wellness with Healthy Eating
There’s a lot of truth in the old saying “you are what you eat”. Scientific evidence has proven that a healthy diet not only improves your physical wellness, but your emotional wellness too. With a few tweaks here and there, your diet can…
Feeling depressed? Try These Techniques
If you find yourself often feeling depressed or anxious, these are some great techniques which might be able to help you to identify the behaviour, feelings and thoughts that are to blame. In the long-term this is an excellent!-->-->!-->-->…
Grey Areas – Are Genetics and Depression Linked?
Depression is the deep-seated disorder that very few can sit into a specific model; but in a recent study, scientists in America have attempted to understand the links between genetics and its maladies.
Depression has many causes and…
US Uni Leads the Way with a Community of Mental Wellness
If the University of Virginia has always had mental wellness as central focus, then the series of mass shootings, in which students lost their lives, has strengthened its resolve to provide better access to mental health resources. However,…
Could Screening Soldiers Reduce Mental Health Problems?
If soldiers were to be screened for mental wellness before deployment, it could significantly reduce the number of psychiatric and behavioural problems experienced by military personnel. This is according to a new study published in the…
How To Deal With Loss, Grief And Bereavement
Bereavement refers to an event which results in loss - this may losing your job, or a similar event, or the death of someone you know. The latter of these events is more commonly associated to the term bereavement. How you deal with grief…
Could Mental Health Problems Start In The Stomach?
A team of researchers from McMasters University claim that they now have new evidence that mental health problems may all stem from stomach problems.
The team says that they have proved that types of gut bacteria can change brain…
Could You Take Six Simple Steps to Better Mental Wellness?
For a safe and sound wellbeing, family, and even society, your strong mental health is essential. You come into this world with a simple mentality, but, as a child, the harsh reality of the world takes its toll on your mental wellness, and…
Could Five Different Mental Disorders Share a Genetic Link?
US Researchers have found that five common psychiatric conditions traditionally considered to be clinically distinct may in fact share genetic risk factors. According to the team from the Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics…
How you can boost emotions with your diet
Junk food might be the tastier option, but it does very little for our health, both mental and physical. Eating too many saturated and trans fats can lead to a high cholesterol, increased risk of coronary heart disease and other health…
Is Your Depression Causing You to Age More Quickly?
When depression takes its toll on your mental wellness, the last thing you want to hear is that it’s also making you age faster. However, don’t shoot the messenger, but new research, published in Biological Psychiatry, is again blaming…
Do You Know Everything You Need to Know about Depression?
If you feel like your wellbeing is suffering from a persistently low mood, you may have depression. This syndrome often affects your mental wellness with a lack of drive and interest, loss of pleasure in everything, altered sleep and…
Could an Electrical Patch Help to Reduce Your Depression?
At this week’s conference on medical innovation at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, researchers presented an electrical patch that has been found to reduce depression. According to the scientists, if your mental wellness is affected…
Is It Depression Or Are You Just Sad?
Depression is rather over-diagnosed as a condition today. That's not to say it isn't damaging or dangerous, as it is. What I'm saying is that a lot of doctors and health professionals are more than happy to diagnose depression with minimal…
Mental Health Explained: The What, Where and Why of Anxiety
Anxiety seems like a drain on your mental wellness, but it can actually save your life. The adaptive and life-saving function of anxiety serves as a warning of threats to your wellbeing, but anxiety damages your mental health when it…
Why Are Men More Likely to Commit Suicide than Women?
In Singapore, men are more likely to end their own lives than women are, according to a new report. The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS), a non-profit organisation dedicated to suicide prevention, have reported that suicide claims the life of…
Secret Depression Triggers: How Many Do You Have?
Our mental health can come under strain when we experience big life events, such as starting new careers, bereavement or relationship breakdown. These situations could put us at risk of depression, which can show as mood disturbances,…
Turn Off Your Depression Brain Waves Via Meditation
Our depression can be treatable, with medication, healthy eating and exercise working for some of us. Now a new way of dealing with negative thoughts could give us more ways to cope with this mental health problem.
Cycle of depression…
How Feeling Good Could Be A Sign You’re Depressed
Highs and lows are a natural part of our lives, and give us an idea about what's working for us in our lifestyles and what's not. If we're tired we may need to schedule more time for relaxation and if we dread Mondays then maybe it's time…
Is Alcohol The Cure Or Cause For Your Bouts Of Depression?
You might think that alcohol takes the edge off the blues, or that it makes them worse, but a new study has found that alcohol is often the direct cause of bouts of depression. According to the study, which was published in the Journal of…