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How To Eat Your Way Out Of Depression

Depression is a condition that we’ve been quick to treat with chemicals, instead of considering what kind of food our brains really need. There is now a great deal of research to support the fact that a natural holistic cure to depression…

The Tragic And Painful Realities Of Suicide

Suicide is the ultimate way of escaping from reality and avoiding the issues that cause unbearable pain, torment and suffering. However, recent studies, have suggested that many people who commit or attempt suicide are seeking an immediate…

What Is Depression And How To Avoid It?

The vast majority of people around the world will experience depression at some stage in their lives, and recent studies have revealed that proneness to depression is on the rise. Presently, the World Health Organisation has estimated that…

Can Depression Be Treated With Self-Help?

As the number of people who suffer from depression increases, more and more are using self-help measures as a means of coping with its effects. Self-help books and other resources are popular as they allow the user to address their…

What Can You Do To Help Prevent Suicide?

Suicide is an increasingly worrying issue around the world, with the rates of people taking their own lives on the increase. On average, twice as many people take their own lives as are murdered – this amounts to around 100 Americans every…

How Can We Stop Older People Being Lonely?

Many people end up living on their own in old age, due to the death of a spouse or the inability of a partner to live unsupported in the home with them. Living alone as a senior citizen can have a detrimental effect on your mental health…