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How Reading Could Help You Lift Depression
A new initiative suggests that those suffering with mental health issues can be provided with prescriptions to visit their local library to read from a range of 30 approved texts in a bid to reduce some of their symptoms. Funded by the Arts…
How Insomnia Can Put You at Risk of Suicide
A lack of sleep or failure to get a good night’s kip can be a debilitating thing. But long-term insomnia, where you begin to believe you will never actually fall asleep or sleep properly again can be a genuine threat to your health. In…
Stroke Survivors Commonly Suffer From Depression
In a recent study, researchers discovered that one in twelve stroke survivors think about suicide or believe that they would be better off dead. The study highlighted that these numbers are higher than those suffering with other health…
Feeling SAD? Don’t Let Winter Weather Affect Your Wellness
It seems like everyone feels a little down in the dumps this time of year, but you may not be feeling sad, but SAD. SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, is a mood disorder that occurs due to seasonal variations of light. It is diagnosed…
What Actually Is Depression And How Can You Deal With It?
Depression affects your mental health through symptoms such as a low mood, sadness, pessimism, feelings of hopelessness, irritability, thoughts of suicide, and other negative emotions. However, not only does this condition take its toll on…
Could You Reduce Depression Or Pain With Mindful Meditation?
It has recently emerged that training in mindfulness meditation help patients manage chronic pain and depression, though up until now experts were unsure as to why meditation benefits your wellbeing in this way. However, scientists from…
Improving Mental Health Care For Troops In Afghanistan
War is a very miserable place. It’s no surprise to learn that thousands of soldiers suffer with long-term mental health problems during and after participating in conflicts. Sometimes it’s not even the violence that can lead to soldiers…
How Does Anxiety Affect Brain Function In Bipolar Patients?
According to researchers of a new study, comorbid anxiety may be partially to blame for the compromised cognitive and adaptive functioning in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. The team looked at such patients and studied their…
Anti-Depressants Take Up To Six Months To Kick In
Depression is a condition which is sometimes overlooked in terms of seriousness largely due to the fact it’s psychological and people can’t see it. Though we’re all a lot better at talking about and dealing with mental health issues now,…
Mental Health Fears For Patients With Chronic Illnesses
A diagnosis of a serious illness or chronic condition is a challenge for both the patient and for family and friends. There is the physical challenge of dealing with the treatment and the debilitating effects of the illness. There are…
Skin-To-Skin Contact Could Relieve Postnatal Depression
A number of women find motherhood to be a very overwhelming situation. Hormonal changes, new responsibilities and a new lifestyle can make things especially hard on first-time mothers who don’t really understand what they are in for.…
Could A Buzz To The Brain Destroy Your Depression?
Researchers from Brazil have discovered a shocking new way to target depression; through a technique known as transcranial direct current stimulation, or tDCS. In the study, which was released in the Journal of the American Medical…
Could Depression be Linked to Disease Resistance?
Diseases such as cancer are thought to be best treated using both the body and the mind, in order to boost the immune system in every way. Our immune systems do far more than simply fend off the common cold. Social support, for example, can…
Depression: The Symptoms And Treatments Of The Condition
There are various causes for depression, from a death in the family to emotional trauma by way of heartbreak. It’s believed that one in five people suffer from problems with depression and anxiety, both of which can be difficult to overcome…
Would The British Abortion System Benefit From Changing With The Times?
Abortion is an issue right across the world. It's not an easy decision for a lady and it's made even harder when the world seems out to get her for having one. The fact remains that it's your body and what you do to and with it is and…
You Have Options: Five Different Depression Treatments
The reason why mental health and wellness experts are adamant about defining depression as a medical issue – rather than a feeling – is that this means you can treat it. Seeing depression as an emotional problem means that it can keep you…
The Importance Of Psychological Screening For The Elderly
Mental health issues among elderly patients are often neglected by General Practitioners. The reason for this could be that symptoms of depression and anxiety are thought of as natural parts of ageing, thereby denying those symptoms proper…
What Can You Do To Get Over Postnatal Depression?
Postnatal depression affects the mental health of most women to some extent. After giving birth, your physical wellness can feel depleted after all the trauma your body has been through, but there is also a strain on your emotional and…
Is Self-Help An Effective Way To Treat People With Depression?
Patients prescribed self-help books on the NHS showed an improvement within a year compared to those provided with the conventional care. The self-help treatment includes books and sessions on how to use them alongside typical treatments…
How Far Have We Come: The History of Depression Treatment
Even though depression has been affecting our wellbeing since prehistoric times, treatment for this mental health issue has, until fairly recently, been fairly basic and, well, rubbish. These days, with better diagnoses and less social…
Should We Treat Different Types Of Depression Differently?
Every year millions of people suffer with depression. It is a negative factor in many people’s daily routines, affecting their wellbeing and making it difficult for them to enjoy their lives. Unfortunately, even though so many people battle…
Ease Depression By Concentrating Your Mind On Movement
Depression is an all too common ailment these days; often thought to be caused by an overload of information, consumerism, substance misuse and financial worry. In the West, we experience a decreasing sense of community and family values,…
How To Eat Your Way Out Of Depression
Depression is a condition that we’ve been quick to treat with chemicals, instead of considering what kind of food our brains really need. There is now a great deal of research to support the fact that a natural holistic cure to depression…
The Tragic And Painful Realities Of Suicide
Suicide is the ultimate way of escaping from reality and avoiding the issues that cause unbearable pain, torment and suffering. However, recent studies, have suggested that many people who commit or attempt suicide are seeking an immediate…
What Is Depression And How To Avoid It?
The vast majority of people around the world will experience depression at some stage in their lives, and recent studies have revealed that proneness to depression is on the rise. Presently, the World Health Organisation has estimated that…
Can Depression Be Treated With Self-Help?
As the number of people who suffer from depression increases, more and more are using self-help measures as a means of coping with its effects. Self-help books and other resources are popular as they allow the user to address their…
The Secrets to Having the Best Chance of Beating Depression
Those whose mental and emotional wellness is being compromised by depression will do whatever it takes to help restore their wellbeing.
The number one thing that you must do if you are suffering from depression, or even…
What Can You Do To Help Prevent Suicide?
Suicide is an increasingly worrying issue around the world, with the rates of people taking their own lives on the increase. On average, twice as many people take their own lives as are murdered – this amounts to around 100 Americans every…
How Can We Stop Older People Being Lonely?
Many people end up living on their own in old age, due to the death of a spouse or the inability of a partner to live unsupported in the home with them. Living alone as a senior citizen can have a detrimental effect on your mental health…
The Disturbing Frequency Of Depression Amongst Children
Whilst depression is often associated with adults, in recent years - there have been increasing instances of children suffering from it. Depression can be caused by a number of traumatic feelings and circumstances, such as anxiety, feelings…