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Family Wellness

Eco-friendly Pet Care

There are no downsides to trying to reduce waste and eliminate harmful chemicals from your life. Of course, you can also incorporate some more earth-friendly practices into your pet’s care regimen. Using ingredients that are eco-friendly,…

Helping Siblings Share A Room

Depending on the size of your family and the size of your house, there may be times when your children need to share a bedroom. Not every family has the luxury of a bedroom per child and when space is short, it makes sense for children to…

Do You Have A Favourite Child?

It’s not something that most parents would admit to. But studies show that many parents with more than one child secretly have a favourite. In a survey of 768 parents, conducted by the University of California, researchers found that 70% of…

Coping With A Jealous Friend

Jealousy is an emotion that can test even the strongest friendship. If you have a friend who is jealous of you, it can be difficult. Perhaps they regularly make comments expressing their envy or maybe they just negatively compare their own…

Dealing With An Angry Partner

We all have off days when we’re grumpy and bad tempered. But if your spouse or partner is more than just grumpy and suffers from angry outbursts on a regular occasion, it can make your life miserable. The problem with anger is that it…

Steroid Use Can Affect Family

Globally, the use of anabolic steroids by middle-aged men is becoming more widespread, says researcher Julien Baker, an applied physiology professor at the University of the West of Scotland. If your husband, or other men in your family use…

Dealing With Your First Argument

When a relationship is in its early weeks and months, it’s easy to believe that everything is perfect. You can’t imagine your partner ever doing anything to upset you because they are so wonderful! But then the day comes when you have your…

Are Older Mothers Better Mothers?

The average maternal age has increased steadily for the past many years and if one is to go by the latest study on the correlation between a mother’s age and how good she is with the baby, new research from Aarhus University, Denmark, now…