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Family Wellness

Shy & Looking For Love

Not everyone is blessed with dating confidence and there are those who have found themselves cringing at the idea of meeting a potential partner in a social situation. However, this kind of self-confidence is something that any man or woman…

Help The Elderly Avoid Falls

If you fear that the elderly in your family might have falls and suffer from fractures and injuries, the best thing to do would be to encourage them to go for walks. According to a University of Georgia study, which appears in the issue of…

Kiss And Tell

A study by Oxford University researchers suggests that kissing can tell us if we are compatible with a potential partner and, once in a relationship, may be a way of getting a partner to stick around. “Kissing in human sexual relationships…

The Danger Of Snooping

Have you ever felt tempted to look through the messages on your partner’s phone? Perhaps your partner often leaves their phone lying around while they are in a different room and you know their password. Or maybe you often hear it beep to…

The Four-legged Stress Buster

It is one of the more unusual ways to improve office life but more and more companies in the west are allowing staff to bring their family dogs to work due to the health benefits associated with the company of our canine friends. The…

The Greener Way To Work From Home

Many companies are realising the benefits of allowing employees to work from home – if not all of the time, at least some of the time. It frees up office space, cuts down on overheads, can increase productivity and helps reduce a company’s…