Solar Glass Is The Future

Renewable energy is the wave of the future. It’s something which we’ve started to see much more of in recent years and we’re definitely going to see it increase in the future too. As our non-renewable sources of power start to dwindle, it’s…

Mould And The Recurring Threat

Asthma is a condition which isn't fully understood. It's much more common in children than it is in adults and a lot of children grow out of it as they get older. However, not all do and for those that don't the simplest things in life can…

The Three Top Arthritis Varieties

There are more than 200 individual types of arthritis. That means that there needs to be over 200 different types of treatment and more than 200 different kinds of knowledge base. Treating the condition takes a vast amount of time and…

Condoms Don’t Make Sex Less Pleasurable

The fact is, we all have sex and it’s fun, it’s something universally enjoyed but it’s also something which a lot of people have a lot of issues talking about. This taboo has caused all sorts of issues and in this day and age it’s totally…