Strawberries Might Save Your Life One Day!

One of the wonderful things about medicine is that it never gives up on anything. If something ever shows even a glimmer of curative potential then scientists and researchers from all over the world will jump on it and keep poking and…

We’re All Virgins With Some People!

I'm sure you all remember your first time, either with a sense of mild embarrassment or with starry eyes. The truth is that whether it went well or terribly, it was so long ago now that it probably doesn't matter anymore. In a recent study…

Save Yourself From Diabetic Kidney Disease!

Diabetes is a condition which you need to keep under control. It has the potential to damage more or less every part of your body and only keeping to the proper regiment and taking whatever medications the doctors have prescribed to you…

Diabetes Diets And The New Normal

There's a massive correlation between obesity and type two diabetes. Though it's more than possible for those who aren't obese to contract the condition it's not common, ¾ type two diabetics are obese. In the past few decades the levels of…

Diabetics, Listen Up While You Still Can!

Diabetes is a condition which has potentially far reaching consequences. It's not like arthritis or asthma which only affects one part of the body, diabetes damages your metabolism and affects the contents of your blood stream and as such…