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Food Therapy

Is it possible to outsmart your own genes?

As we all know everyone’s genetic make-up is different. But it is actually possible to have an impact on our genes and make changes. How you live your life, the exercise you do and a balanced diet all have a direct link to how your genes…

Why Drinking Wine is Fine with Rich Foods

If you stay away from wine with dinner because you’re worried that it may cause indigestion symptoms, you may have been doing so unnecessarily. Though it may inhibit your diet wellness slightly by slowing down your digestion, according to a…

Holy cow! Have you perhaps eaten a clone?

Cloning is a marvel of scientific ability but would you want to include milk from cloned cows in your diet? While there is no proven wellness risk from drinking such products, you may still not fancy the idea, or have ethical problems with…

Combat Cancer with the Super Seven

Cancer is one of the biggest threats to your wellness, but can you battle against it with something as simple as your diet? Though no one is yet able to say one food or another can stop cancer, a body of research suggests an overall healthy…

The Power of Food Wellness Myths

Does red wine give you a headache? Do your kids go out of control on sweets? Does pizza make your skin break out in spots? A good diet is crucial for better wellness but how much do foods specifically target certain areas? Experts say that…

Combating Diabetes with Superfoods

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that prevents your body from using dietary sugar properly, resulting in higher levels of sugar in your blood and urine. Diabetes comes in two forms: Type 1 and Type 2. With Type 1, your body…