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The ADHD Diet Question – Just Eat Right!

Prevention is better than cure they say. This is so true as to what to give your kids to eat. Expectant mothers have to watch their health and lifestyle too. The facts are that the worse the diet, the more likely it is that pregnant mothers…

How Yoga can help ease ADD and ADHD

Yoga is recognised by millions as a highly-effective manner of nurturing wellbeing and health, and is regularly practiced all over the world. It can also help to improve mental-health and help to manage psychological challenges such as…

How Eggs can Cause and Cure ADHD

ADHD is on the rise in the USA. It's now said that around 10% of kids in the USA now suffer from ADHD, to put a number to that senseless statistic, that's around 4 million children. ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactive disorder and…