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Lose weight

Ultimate Five Tips For Women To Stay Slim

Some women seem to be able to stay slim without trying while for others it is a very difficult thing to attempt to achieve and maintain that perfect weight and figure that they are looking for. Of course this is partly down to genetics, but…

The Ten Best Superfoods For Weight Loss

We have all heard of superfoods – they are foodstuffs that contain high levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are reported to be very good for our health. This means they can be a great benefit for us in a number of ways – but if…

Lifestyle Changes For Long Term Weight Loss

When someone says the word ‘diet’ to you, what do you imagine? For most people, the word ‘diet’ has extraordinarily negative connotations, probably because we think of losing weight as being an arduous and horrible thing. Perhaps when you…

Get SMART: How to Walk Your Way to Weight Loss

There’s something very appealing about walking to lose weight. Any kind of exercise can be beneficial to your overall wellness, but the fact that something as gentle and enjoyable as walking can also minimise your waistline still seems…