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Five Ways To Stop Yourself Overeating

If you want to stay healthy and slim one of the most important things to avoid doing is overeating. Of course that’s easier said than done, so here’s five tips that will help you out. Avoiding bingeing It might seem obvious if you’re…

Alcohol More Deadly Than Drugs

Although most people think the use of illicit drugs is far worse than alcohol abuse, research done as far back as 2010 by a British government neuropharmacologist advisor found this was not true. David Nutt, MD, of Imperial College London,…

5 Ways to Prevent Oral Cancer

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, 43,250 people are diagnosed with oral cancer per year and over 8,000 of those cases will be terminal. The five-year survival rate of an oral cancer diagnosis hovers around 50 percent. This is grim,…