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Losing Weight

Lifestyle Changes For Long Term Weight Loss

When someone says the word ‘diet’ to you, what do you imagine? For most people, the word ‘diet’ has extraordinarily negative connotations, probably because we think of losing weight as being an arduous and horrible thing. Perhaps when you…

Which Diet is Best for You?

New diets grab the headlines every few weeks, which makes it incredibly hard to choose when - how do you know which are the real deal and which are just fads? Studies suggest that people on low fat diets lose just 7lbs on average over the…

The Nine Easy and Best Methods Of Weight Loss

How many people do you know who want to lose weight? If you’re like most people then the number will be very high – maybe you’re even one of them. It seems that almost everybody wants to drop a few pounds and yet despite the intense…

How to Successfully Lose Weight

If you've struggled to lose weight and seem to have trouble sticking to a plan, these tips and tricks could help you shift those pesky pounds for successful weight loss. Although there is no foolproof plan for success, these are strategies…

Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

We all fall foul to the temptation of crash diets as a way to lose weight quickly, but it isn’t the safest way when it comes to our health. The body responds best to slow changes where food and exercise are concerned, so if you’re used to…

Fad Dieting as Seen by Professionals

Whether you follow them or not, fad diets are unmistakably on the rise around the world. Whilst longstanding weight loss companies like Weight Watchers are still turning an excellent profit, many of us looking to shed the pounds are turning…

Losing Weight Through Fitocracy

Author Bio: Kurt Lao is the Editor of weight loss product reviews resource: He has written several product reviews to his credit and serves as a contributor to some of the top health and weight loss blogs online.…

How To Choose The Right Diet Plan For You

Your genetics and personality play a big part when it comes to which diet tips and tricks will work for you, which is why it can sometimes be difficult to lose weight on a one-size-fits-all plan. Perhaps your parents raised you to develop…