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Warning: Sugar Consumption Could Kill You

Diabetes researchers are frantically trying to find out why there is such a phenomenal rise in type 2 diabetes, and they have recently stated that they feel that a massive surge in sugar consumption could be to blame. Sugar is blamed for…

More Diabetics In China Than Anywhere Else

Diabetes is a condition which is sweeping the globe. It comes hand in hand with obesity and it's now said that around three-quarters of type two diabetics are obese. This means that the boom of fast food and improper diets across the world…

How To Avoid Diabetes In The First Place

Obesity causes so many healthy problems that it’s almost impossible to list them all in one article. It will damage your heart and your joints, you’ll find it harder to breathe on occasions and it might well infect you with type two…

The Management Of Type Two Diabetes

Type two diabetes is a condition which is sweeping the globe. The largest risk factor for it is obesity, which makes sense as the world is currently suffering an obesity epidemic. Processed food is readily available, cheap and easy to cook.…

Obesity: Is Surgery A Last Resort?

Weight loss surgery is an option too regularly taken as a shortcut by those desperate for a better figure. While cosmetic reasons are not necessarily an insufficient motivation to take such a dramatic step, it’s important that every…

How Obesity Can Affect Your Children Too

It’s no secret that being obese is disastrous for your health. Obesity puts you at a higher risk of almost every major disease and health problem, and is also a natural burden on your wellbeing. Putting on weight excessively is usually the…

Diabetes Diets And The New Normal

There's a massive correlation between obesity and type two diabetes. Though it's more than possible for those who aren't obese to contract the condition it's not common, ¾ type two diabetics are obese. In the past few decades the levels of…