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How Can You Spot A Vitamin B Deficiency?

Pernicious anaemia is the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency, which in turn is caused by a lack of glycoprotein known as intrinsic factor. Without this compound, the body can't absorb vitamin B12 which is where deficiencies forge. it's needed…

How to Lift your Mood with your Diet

Stress is a common factor of modern lifestyles, thanks to our busy work lives, financial commitments and family responsibilities. Most of us struggle to find the time to exercise and, as a result, our health is suffering. Your diet is…

Seven Things that Affect your Heart Health

Where your heart is concerned, your diet is hugely important. There are many things you may do out of habit, whether it's exercising too little or eating the wrong foods, which could be having an impact on the health of your heart. Here are…

Ageing: Is it Possible to do it with Grace?

Society has placed a huge amount of importance on age in recent years, with the emphasis on looking as young as possible. While experts have stated the benefits of a good diet and plenty of exercise in regards to looking good well into your…