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Is The Gluten-Free Diet Such a Good Idea?

In the ever-present search to find and deal with bad nutritional habits, gluten-free eating has been receiving a lot of attention and considered to be something that could be very beneficial to our overall health. But experts at the

Why is vitamin B12 so important?

Vitamin B12 is one of the most controversial elements of the vitamin family - it wasn't discovered until the 1960s and has since been found to be a useful treatment for anaemia, particularly a strain known as pernicious anaemia. It is…

What a Diet for Healthy Hair Looks Like

Just like the other parts of your body, your hair’s cells need the proper nourishment in order for them to maintain a healthy and fortified appearance. Other factors such as smoking, lack of sleep, stress, and hormonal changes can also…

Diabetes: Why watchdog is on the case

The medicinal team for Watchdog has warned patients dealing with diabetes to check their glucose monitors following a report that a manufacturer recalled numerous faulty devices which were giving dangerously false readings. The manufacturer…

The ADHD Diet Question – Just Eat Right!

Prevention is better than cure they say. This is so true as to what to give your kids to eat. Expectant mothers have to watch their health and lifestyle too. The facts are that the worse the diet, the more likely it is that pregnant mothers…