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Fat: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Fat is very important to our health. While sometimes it gets a bad name there is no doubt that we do need some fat in our diet to ensure we stay healthy. As you probably already know, dietary fats are packed with energy; oils and solid fats…

Vitamin Supplements Might Not Be Good For Us

Vitamins and minerals are very important to our health – in fact without the right balance of nutrients we can become badly unwell or become more prone to developing conditions. We should be able to get all of the vitamins and minerals that…

The Truth About Supplements

There are certain dietary supplements which have a genuinely positive impact on your life. Taking them will improve your health in slight or profound ways and you’ll feel better for it. These supplements will fill a void in your diet, a…

What Does Vitamin C Do?

We all know that vitamin C is very important to us. It’s also fairly common knowledge that a fantastic source of vitamin C is oranges. These citrus fruits, eaten in any form are absolutely jam packed with the vitamin and a glass of orange…

Do You Know What You Need To Live?

We all know that we need vitamins and minerals to survive but how many of you actually know exactly what you need to survive? That’s the thing with thinking about the specific requirements our bodies have, they’re specific. So specific in…

Osteoporosis And How To Identify It

Osteoporosis is a major problem for the health of your bones. Unfortunately most people don’t know very much about it. This can leave people very vulnerable to it, as without good knowledge of the disease it can be very dangerous to us. So…

Selenium And Why You Can Have Too Much

If I had to give you one piece of advice about supplements it would be to avoid them where you can. While they can be very useful for plugging any gaps that you might have in your diet, they’re not necessary. It’s not actually that…

How Does Zinc Affect My Health And Wellness?

If you think a car or a plane is complicated then think again. As far as complex machinery goes, we’re about as complicated as it gets. All living things are essentially hyper-advanced and incredibly intricate machines. We need a great deal…

Vitamin-Rich Foods You Haven’t Thought Of

Too many of us turn straight to the vitamins, minerals and supplements aisle of the supermarket instead of sourcing our nutrition from fresh, natural food. The body always experiences some strain in digesting supplements; after all, food is…