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Family Wellness

Help Your Family Fight Acidity

Cooking for your family is always a pleasure; so is inviting friends and relatives over for a meal from time to time. But what if you or your family members often find yourselves victims of stomach distress after meals? You may experience a…

When A Friend Betrays You

When a close friend betrays you, it’s natural for your emotions to range from anger and confusion to disappointment and sadness. You may even blame or feel angry with yourself for trusting your friend, or question whether you did something…

The ABC Of Cleaning Up After Kids

Keeping your child’s bedroom or playroom clean and tidy is not always easy, and carpets, sofas and flooring subjected to sticky fingers and accidental spills can create an unhealthy environment.  From apple juice to chewing gum, spills can…

Tips For A Happy Relationship

Wanting to hit your partner over the head with a frying pan from time to time is perfectly normal. But if you’re constantly coming up against the same relationship problems, time and again, you need to solve the conflict to move forward as…

How To Ward Off Weekend Headaches

You’ve worked hard all week with long hours and no breaks. At last it’s the weekend - time to relax and have fun with your family. But oh no! After a lovely lie-in you wake with a headache or perhaps worse, a migraine, and your weekend is…

Kids In The Kitchen: Be Safe!

Letting your kids into the kitchen to help cook meals and small snacks can be fun. It is also very creative and can help kids develop a healthy attitude towards food. However, knowing the dangers of the kitchen and how to prevent them is an…

How Do You House Train A Puppy?

Potential dog owners are often put off by the thought of house-training a new puppy, but if you stick to some tested and proven principles, it can be achieved relatively quickly. Be patient. For the first six months, just like human…

Love On The Rocks

There’s no one solution for a relationship on the rocks. Sometimes people just grow apart, or even fall out of love with each other, and finding a way back to where it all began seems like a mountain too high to climb. If you’re turning a…