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Exercise Helps In The Long Run

Exercise done in early life has long-lasting benefits. Latest research shows that bone retains a ‘memory’ of exercise’s effects long after the exercise is ceased, and this bone memory continues to change the way the body metabolises a…

Have You Tried Flying Bird Yoga?

Yoga is one of the most ancient forms of exercise invented by mankind. However, the beauty of Yoga lies in its flexibility and versatility.  Flying Bird Yoga - the Aerial Yoga - is the latest innovation in the world of Yoga. It utilises…

Water-Based Ways to Help You Burn Calories

Water-based fitness classes are a really great way to help you lose weight and increase your wellness and wellbeing. These exercises are fun and burn lots of calories, and can be done whatever the weather – in an outdoor pool on a hot…

Exercise To Reduce Breast Cancer Relapse

Over 90% of breast cancers are diagnosed at an early stage, which can help deliver a good prognosis. However, cancers can recur, sometimes more aggressively than before. Research suggests that, overall, around 30% of women diagnosed with…

Want Better Gut Health? Improve Fitness!

New research suggests that people who exercise regularly, especially professional sportspeople, have markedly different gut bacteria. In a study of professional rugby players, researchers discovered more bacteria in the digestive system…

Keep On Running

New research into exercise and premature death suggests that running may be the single most effective exercise you can do to increase life expectancy. The study found that, compared to non-runners, runners tended to live about three…

How Music Can Help Your Workout

Listening to music may make it easier for people to adopt short duration exercise regimens that could help them stay in shape, according to researchers at University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. In the study published in the…

Pregnancy: How to Stay Fit Throughout

Staying fit is important at any time, but none more so than when you’re pregnant. Your body is undergoing numerous changes and there are things you can do to ensure that you stay fit and healthy while it changes. The basics are the trinity…

Fight Stress With Exercise

According to the American Psychological Association, a whopping 75% of people feel stressed out. Almost half of them eat unhealthy because of it; 47% of them can’t sleep because of it. It seems then that chronic stress is the new normal.…

Workplace Wellness With These Fitness Tips

Everyone has the best intentions when it comes to working out, but most people find that they don’t have the time when all the work and social commitments are out of the way. So how about combining the two? We spend such a long time at work…