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Can NLP help you lose weight?

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. For the uninitiated, a brief explanation of what that means may be in order. Neuro deals with how we take in information whether it be from sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell; Linguistic…

Losing Weight Through Fitocracy

Author Bio: Kurt Lao is the Editor of weight loss product reviews resource: He has written several product reviews to his credit and serves as a contributor to some of the top health and weight loss blogs online.…

How to Lose Weight with Small, Simple Changes

For some reason, when you decide to lose weight, you often overhaul your whole life, make drastic, complicated strategies, and end up sitting on the floor two days later with a tub of ice cream in your hand and a look of disappointment on…

Summer Weight Loss Made Easy

With summer in full effect and beaches beckoning, people are scrambling to lose their winter coats before having to strut their stuff in a bikini or any other swimsuit for that matter. Summer weight loss is a priority for many people;…

The Best Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight

It’s a common occurrence to find yourself gaining weight as you get older, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to stay slim as you age. There are just some different things you have to think about to ensure that you aren’t

Are Happy Couples Prone To Weight Gain?

A new study in Health Psychology has suggested that happily married couples are more likely to gain weight. The research looked at over 160 recently married couples who found that the happier they were in their relationship, the more extra…