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Protect Yourself From the Sun

Protecting yourself from the sun isn't only important in the summer. Most of us tend to put sunscreen away around the same time as our bathing suits are readied for storage. Damaging UVA and UVB rays continue throughout the year, regardless…

Which Product Is Best For Your Skin?

Finding the best product for your skin can be hard. A lot of people tend to ignore their skin’s health by purchasing the wrong products. It is important to know that every skin is different and that you can’t find a single product that…

How Baking Soda Can Fix Your Skin Issues

We've all heard of the many uses of baking soda. It's used as a leavening agent, deodorizer, toothpaste, and many other common household uses. However, you may surprised that it can also be used to help with skin problems. If you're…