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Five Natural Ways to Detox

The main goal of detoxing naturally after drug addiction is to get rid of the toxic remnants that have built up in your body while you were abusing drugs. You can choose to detox naturally to make sure you get as many toxins out of your…

The Natural Way to Get Vitamins

Whenever you go to a supermarket, the sight of a dozen-and-one vitamins popping out of a shelf is fairly normal. Most assure a 99.9% guarantee that their products are natural. Some of you may use these to supplement your dietary…

A Breath of Fresh Air

Everyone likes their home to smell nice but sometimes unpleasant odours get the better of us and we have to resort to air fresheners to counteract nasty pongs. The problem with many commercial air fresheners is that they contain a host of…

Natural High

Eco-therapy is a natural therapy that encourages people to spend more time outdoors – particularly in natural environments to boost mental wellbeing. As a philosophy, it’s nothing new – after all, in the past doctors regularly recommended…

Time for an Outdoor Adventure

If you believe the stereotypes, it would seem that the children of today are more likely to be found in their bedrooms playing computer games than outdoors enjoying the natural environment. Perhaps one reason is that modern parents are more…

Back to Basics

From detergents and polishes to antibacterial wipes and sprays, the average modern home is full of a myriad of different cleaning products. The problem is that these tend to be full of chemicals which can be harmful for the environment and…

The All Natural Truth about Supplements

There are many things in health and wellbeing which are more than a little convoluted and complex. That's fine, human beings are far from simple creatures after all. However, regardless of how simple some things are there are just as many…

What Is The Secret Of Ayurdevic Beauty?

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Beauty is a form of complementary cosmetics, where extracts are taken from Indian herbs in order to make a variety of beauty products. This was first started by the Body Shop over 20 years ago, who normalised the…

Natural Aids For Normal Blood Pressure

Keeping your blood pressure at a normal level is one of the cornerstones of good wellness and wellbeing. It’s good for your heart health and can also help you avoid a number of problematic conditions that can reduce your quality of life.…