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Habits & Addictions
Tell-Tale Symptoms of Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol dependence, better known as alcoholism, is a serious—and sometimes debilitating—addiction to alcohol. With 17 million adults in the United States suffering from some sort of alcohol use disorder, it's an ever-increasing problem.…
Alcohol More Deadly Than Drugs
Although most people think the use of illicit drugs is far worse than alcohol abuse, research done as far back as 2010 by a British government neuropharmacologist advisor found this was not true. David Nutt, MD, of Imperial College London,…
The Five Greatest Health Benefits of Quitting Drinking
Alcohol is one of the most commonly-used and socially acceptable mind-altering substances, commonly shared at social gatherings and only minimally stigmatized. While studies have shown that there are some health benefits associated with…
Five Potentially Harmful Effects Of Painkillers
Painkillers are very often a good way to temporarily relieve moderate to severe pain. However, there are side effects to any medication. Below are five things you should watch out for when taking pain medication:
Painkillers Might Interact…
Beat the Addiction: 5 Steps to Recovering Your Life and Wellness
The rehab and recovery process is never going to be easy, but every day that is spent struggling with an addiction is one more chance for a catastrophic or life-threatening mishap to take place. Anyone who is ready to permanently beat their…
Can You Improve Your Concentration With Chewing Gum?
A recent story covered in the Daily Mail and the Daily Express reported that chewing gum could be an excellent aid to memory. It’s a nice idea isn’t it? Many of us enjoy chewing gum on a regular basis and it would be great if doing it could…
Choosing a Substance Abuse Center to Restore Your Wellness
If you are struggling with drugs or alcohol and have finally reached a point where you need professional help in getting clean, then congratulations on being able to admit you have a problem and wanting to find a way to solve it. The…
Heroin Abuse is on the Rise, but Prison Reform May Give New Hope
Heroin is an opioid, meaning it has the same effect as a number of prescription pain medications, including oxycodone, codeine, morphine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, and more. It’s an extremely addictive drug (just like its counterparts), and of…
How To Let Go Of Past Addictions For A Healthier Lifestyle Both Physically And Mentally
Addictions can rip apart your family, relationships and your own soul. Whether it's been one day since you last abused a substance or many years, you may still struggle with this step. Once you are able to let go of these addictions for…
7 Shocking Ways Alcohol Affects the Body
Nobody wants to feel as if their body is breaking down prematurely; however, many of the activities we take part in each day contribute to health conditions that can cause early strain and injury. Drinking alcohol is one of those activities…
How to Find a Rehab Center that Will Work for your Loved One
Few people can break the cycle of addiction alone. Loved ones have a much better chance of recovering and staying sober for a lifetime after completing a rehabilitation program in a treatment center. These centers provide tools and support…
The Overlooked Risks of Addiction in Your Home
The danger of becoming dependent on pills is nothing new to those prescribed medication. If you've ever had a root canal or have trouble sleeping, the bottles you pick up from the pharmacy are plastered with warnings about overuse. Indeed,…
Mental Health Issues Linked To Smoking Cessation Medication
In a new report, the FDA has discovered that there could be a link between smoking cessation medications, Chantix and Zyban, and changes in one’s mental health, such as depressive mood swings, hostility and suicidal tendencies. A new…
Lie-ons and Cheat-ahs: Are Humans the Most Deviant Animal?
Compared with most animals, humans engage in a host of behaviours that are destructive to our own emotional wellness, and the wellbeing of others. With your ability to talk, perhaps, comes a unique opportunity to lie and cheat, but why do…
Choosing the best Treatment Center for drug addiction
Recognizing that you need help is the first and most important step towards recovering from drug addiction. You should not be afraid or ashamed of needing help; you are making the best decision of your life, for your family and friends too.…
Five Long Term Side Effects of Drug Abuse
Using illicit drugs or abusing legal drugs leads to a number of serious effects on the body. When these substances are used for longer periods of time, the effects increase in number as well as severity. Many of the most…
Early Indicators of Alcoholism to Look Out For
Because drinking is so commonplace in various cultures, it's often difficult to identify when a person is early on their path to problem-drinking or alcoholism. The developed signs are easy to spot, but early indicators are a bit more…
Changing Outlooks on Addiction
A very interesting thing is happening in the world of addiction as it relates to criminal behavior. There are countries that are steadfastly moving away from philosophies that portray drug addiction as a criminal behavior and instead place…
Benefits of Hiring a DWI Lawyer for Your Case
It’s funny how the only way through which you will get to know of some state laws is through committing an offence. Most people drive while intoxicated but have no idea that they are actually violating the law. The saddest part is that…
7 Tips To Stay Clean After Suffering From Drug Addiction
Are you suffering from a drug addiction? If you are, then you know that it is a heartbreaking condition that is very difficult to overcome. Even more difficult will be changing old habits and patterns during a recovery process. If you need…
Not Alone: Understanding Mental Health Problems in Recovery
When you’re in recovery, it’s typical to experience frequent knocks to your mental wellbeing. If you suffer from substance abuse as well as a mental health disorder, this is known as a dual diagnosis disorder, and wellness problems often…
How to Lose Weight AND Look After Your Mental Health
Whether you feel letdown by your results or just plain bored with your routine, trying to lose weight can really do a number on your mental health. But does it have to? Here are five weight loss tips that are actually helpful for your…
Lack of Sleep Isn’t as Bad as We Think
It’s common to find news reports and advice columns that lack of sleep is a really major problem for your wellbeing. The Daily Express, for example, recently reported that “Lack of sleep for just a few nights can kill”. And this kind of…
Living Hell: How Does Your Gambling Affect Your Family?
A study has found that living with a gambling addict can be a daily hell, as not only do family members face being wiped out financially by the gambler’s debts, but also live in a state of ‘persistent fear’ and could be ostracised by the…
Binge Drinking Epidemic Sweeping The Country
A new study has revealed some shocking facts, highlighting how people in the UK are seriously risking their wellbeing through their use of alcohol. More than half of all adults in the UK may in fact binge drink on a regular basis.
Steps to Take when You Discover your Teenager has an Addiction
Discovering that your teenage son or daughter is abusing a substance can be a shocking and painful revelation. Trends show that more teens are becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, with the greatest rise being seen in kids from middle and…
Hooked on Uppers: How Methamphetamine Ruins Your Body
Perhaps you have a loved one or acquaintance who struggles with a methamphetamine addiction. Or maybe you struggle with this substance yourself. In any case, someone in your life faces a difficult challenge. Methamphetamine has seriously…
Destructive Behaviour: Why Are we Prone to Violence?
Many people assert that human beings are the most enlightened of the animal kingdom, but then why are we so self-destructive? Unlike most animals, humans engage in many behaviours that damage the wellness of others, and even our own…
Four Warning Signs That Your Loved One May Have a Drug Addiction
When a loved one is suffering from a drug addiction, the addiction will often prevent the addict from coming forward and admitting the problem out of shame and embarrassed. It becomes incumbent on family and friends to…
Recovery Road: 5 Tips to Restoring Your Life After a DUI Charge
Life after a DUI charge is definitely harder, but this can be a positive experience if you take it as a wake up call that you need to make some changes. While it is easy to get stuck in a rut of negative thinking, you need to stop beating…