Eating for Two: The Common Misnomer

The saying, ‘pregnant women are eating for two’, is correct from an entirely scientific point of view. The nutrients, vitamins and minerals consumed by the mother are absorbed by the unborn baby too. Beyond this however that saying is…

The Healthy Heart Diet Starts Today

Your heart is the most important muscle in your body and it never gets a break. Whereas all of your other muscles get to stop when you finally go to sleep, the heart just goes on pumping. There are all sorts of damage you can do to your…

Which Dairy Is Best For Your Bones?

When it comes to calcium a lot of people think that simply eating a lot of ice cream will do. While it's true there is some calcium in ice cream, there isn't as much as there is in milk or yoghurt. It can come as rather a shock to people…

How To Look Younger Without The Price Tag

One of the many features of getting older is wanting to look younger. We’re very rarely entirely satisfied with our lots in life and it’s in all of our natures to strive for that little bit more. In many respects this is fantastic; it has…

Stress Is Damaging But Not Cancerous

Stress is one of the biggest problems in the work place today. With new technology people can and are expect to do more and more on their own. What would have once been two or three people jobs have become things for just one person to…

Simple Ways To Slow Down Hair Loss

If there are two things which the internet claims to cure more than anything else it's erectile dysfunction and hair loss. There are hundreds upon hundreds of remedies, poultices, potions and therapies currently available for both…

Balancing Diet And Exercise For Weight Loss

A good balance of diet and exercise is the most effective way to lose weight. Regardless of how amazing the latest weight loss fad might be, this will always be the ultimate way of shedding those excess pounds. Most of us are willing to try…

Prostate Exams Could Be A Thing Of The Past

Prostate exams aren’t fun. Anyone who’s ever had one or who knows what one entails will tell you that with a grim tilt of the head and a refusal to meet your eyes. In a time when we’ve done such miraculous things with scanning technology,…

What Is The Truth About Algae Supplements?

Supplements tend to sell a lot better if they’re made from things which people have never heard of. Extract of potato doesn’t sound nearly as impressive as A. flos-aquae, which is a specialist type of algae. Of course the benefits of having…

Why Aphrodisiacs Are So Good For Your Health

We’ve all heard of the foods of love. Those specialist foods which are supposed to bring about our more lustful natures and throw us into passions. Most of these aphrodisiacs have been used for generations and generations, often dating back…