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Tips For Success
Exercising: How to Know When Enough is Enough
With spring finally here, you’re only a hop, skip and a jump away from summer. This can make you want to ramp up your fitness training, in order to get beach body-ready, what if you’re putting your wellbeing at risk? How can you tell if…
How to Advance Your Fitness Regime No Matter Who You Are
There are many different ways to go about improving your fitness, and many ways you can do it wrong, and so knowing where to begin can be a real struggle. Hence, it’s best to put your wellbeing in the hands of the wellness experts who know…
How to Get a Size Ten Figure in Ten Steps
1. Don’t diet, exercise
When you want to lose weight your first idea might be to go on a diet. This is a bad move; it’s a much better idea to get exercising instead. Get off the bus a stop early or use the stairs instead of taking a!-->-->!-->-->…
How to Boost Your Fitness Regime with Lifestyle Changes
If you’ve started a fitness regime to lose weight and build lean muscle, but haven’t seen great results, your metabolism may be to blame. We’ve all got that friend who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound, because of their high…
How to Motivate Yourself to Keep Up with Your Fitness Plan
When you drive past some young, trim jogger out and about, you can feel guilty for not keeping up with your own fitness regime, but do you think these people always feel motivated? The road to better wellness is a tough one, and everyone…
How To Maximise Your Workout in Five Steps
Here are five great ways to make the most of your workout regime.
Don’t skip breakfast
You’ve heard the saying that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ and when it comes to improving the quality of your workout this is…
Fitness of the Future: Where Should Your Workout Lead You?
Fitness is going high-tech, but how do you keep up with all the innovative workout trends and technologies? Which ones are going to stand the test of time, and which are simply fitness fads? If you’re getting bored of your current…
Which of 2014’s Fitness Trends Will Go the Distance?
If you want to know the hot fitness trends this year, you need to ask the experts. Walter Thompson, a professor of kinesiology and health at GeorgiaState, is the lead author of an AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine survey…
Four Fitness Trends that Won’t Stick Around for 2014
Every year, wellness experts predict the top fitness trends for the season, but what happens to last year’s trends? Do old favourites suddenly become unappealing or do we just keep on adding to that list? Plus, how do you know…
Have You Experienced the Seven Signs of Overtraining?
With most things in life, you get out what you put in. However, when it comes to fitness, there is a point where pushing yourself actually does more harm than good to your wellbeing. Though you may be aware of this as a concept, there are…
Five Things You Should do After a Tough Workout
A tough workout can improve health and build strong muscles and bones. These types of workouts also take a toll on the body in the hours afterward. People can experience pain, swelling and even cramps afterwards. Fortunately, there are…
How To Re-gain Your Fitness Motivation
Fitness is not something that just happens on its own. Nor is it something that, once you become fit, automatically stays with you for life. Fitness has to be constantly worked at and achieved, and taking your foot off the pedal can quite…
Fitness Trends in 2014: Experts Share their Predictions
If you love to stay in touch with the latest fitness trends, have we got the article for you! We spoke to top wellness experts and asked for their predictions for the 2014 fitness scene. Can you keep up?
1. Digital…
How to Get the Most out of Last-Minute Marathon Training
Nothing quite tests your fitness like a marathon. You can spend months, and even a year of your life running mile after mile, searching wellness tip after wellness tip, all for 26.2 miles of glory. But what happens when you’ve not done the…
How To Find The Motivation You Need To Get Back In Shape
Written By: Tricia Borren
Getting in shape is a goal that most people have, especially in the spring when the weather is getting warmer and swimsuit season is looming ahead. However, finding enough…
How To See Success From Your Workout Regime
Exercise is important for a healthy body and maintaining a balanced weight, but often it can be difficult to know whether you're choosing the right forms of exercise for your goals or whether you're even exercising enough. In order to get…
Will Joining a Gym Help You Lose Weight?
It’s widely accepted that the best way to lose weight is to follow a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise. But do you need to join a gym to get the best weight-loss results from your exercise?
No – The Ex-gym Member
I’ve been a…
5 Lower Body Toning Exercises to Help You Love Your Legs
If you don’t love your lower body, perhaps it’s time to incorporate some toning exercises into your fitness routine. Not only do toning exercises help you to burn more calories and strengthen your bones (thereby protecting your wellbeing…
Exercise: The Cheapest Way to Boost Your Energy
There are two things which can improve your health tenfold and that’s a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. Exercise is the cheapest way to improve your mental health, lose weight and increase your level of fitness, and you don’t have to…
5 Reasons to Avoid Alcohol Before and After Exercise
Alcohol plays a major role in many of our lives and occasionally even the most abstemious of individuals can often be persuaded to partake in a small libation. In moderation, alcohol can even have certain health benefits but if you’re in…
Skip and Replace: Three Exercises that Ruin Your Progress
The best way to lose weight is to eat well and build a healthy body with a steady gym routine. However, once you’ve got that in place, a lot of people end up wasting time on moves that don’t work or do damage to your wellbeing. So whether…
Heavy Consequences: The Dangers of Weightlifting For those Pumping Serious Iron
Intense weightlifting is a very popular practice for those who want to bulk up quickly, and that's not just at the Jersey Shore. Many people lift weights often, however, they haven't been trained on the proper techniques, so they end up…
5 Ways the Apple ResearchKit Can Help You Track Your Fitness
When it comes to mobile app development one of the most popular types of app is of course those that help track health and fitness.
With the New Year fast approaching it is now time to start thinking about wonderful healthcare apps and…
How Can You Improve Your Fitness with Martial Arts?
Martial arts are becoming more and more popular among women for a variety of reasons. You might like to take up martial arts because you’re concerned for your wellbeing, and want a good mode of self-defence. You might like it because it’s a…
Football Helmets – How Well Do they Protect Heads?
Football is an extremely popular sport at a professional and youth level, but the risk of suffering from a concussion while on the playing field is much higher than many people realize. Tragically, there are some concussions that…
Fitness Expert Proves You Can Gain Muscle on Ketogenic Diet
Fitness expert Mike Roussell, PhD, recalls, ‘The other day, I was on a phone call with a good friend and fellow strength coach, Joe Dowdell, CSCS, of Peak Performance in New York City. I told him my current deadlift personal record stood at…
Exercise Can Boost Your Physical And Mental Health
A new study has found that getting plenty of exercise is not only great for your body and fitness levels, but it can also do wonders for your mental health – scientists suggest that it could help prevent dementia and progressive brain…
The Benefits of Compression Clothing
If you keep up on the latest trends in fitness gear, you've probably heard of compression clothing. Once reserved for diabetics and individuals with circulatory problems, compression gear can provide a number of advantages to…
Haven’t Hit That Runners High? 5 Tips For Pushing Through That Wall
The surest strategy for achieving a runner's high is to run far and long. Unfortunately, some people can't seem to push through their fatigue and keep their bodies in motion long enough to reach the desired state of…
The Benefits Of Casein Protein
No matter how hard you’re working out and sticking to a balanced diet, you can always make your efforts go that little bit further. One way to do this is through increasing your intake of good quality protein – casein protein is a…