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How to Use Your Mind to Help You Reach Your Weight Goals
Your mind is an incredibly powerful weapon. No matter what you do in life, whether you choose your clothes for the day or go get a haircut, it all began with a thought. So, surely, whatever you want to achieve in life should always begin in…
How to Lose Weight for the Summer Season
The summer season in the UK may be punctuated with grey skies, but if you're lucky enough to find some sunny periods then you'll want to be bikini ready. For many of us, this means eating better and upping our exercise, but it's not always…
Which Foods Should You Avoid to Lower Your Cholesterol?
You need cholesterol to produce hormones, and for your cell membranes to function, but not all cholesterol are created equal. With the right diet, you can get all the “good” HDL cholesterol you need, but certain foods contain “bad” LDL…
Fit in Your Forties: How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off
Why does weight loss get harder as you get older? You spend weeks eating foods that you don't really like, avoiding the foods you love, having different meals than everyone else, and slogging it out at the gym. Then what do you have to show…
Calorie Counting: How Many Do You Need to Lose Weight?
Calorie counting is a popular method for losing weight, but how many you need to count depends on you as an individual, and your wellness needs. Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can determine the amount of calories you need to…
The Pizza Diet: Weight Loss while Eating Your Food Faves
A strict regiment of healthy eating and regular exercise is difficult for anyone to follow, but this is especially the case in the early stages of weight loss. Not only are you beginning new habits revolved around better wellness, but…
Plan, Cook, Exercise, Drink: Weight Loss Tips
With so many random fad diets and fitness programmes out there, wouldn’t it be nice if someone just listed the wellness steps you can take to lose weight – ones that actually work? Junk the jargon, miss out the marketing, and just follow…
What You Need to Know About Coffee and Weight Gain
Claims that regular coffee drinking causes obesity are being refuted, due to the source study being based on the effects of a concentrated chemical on mice. The study, conducted by universities in both Australia and Malaysia, was published…
Little Known Benefits of Exercise to Encourage Weight Loss
If you find yourself forgetting things frequently, a 40-minute walk could be just what you need. A study conducted at the University of British Columbia found that aerobic exercise had a significant impact on memory in older women, with…
Diet and Exercise Advice for Successful Weight Gain
Whether you haven’t got the right eating habits, are overdoing it on the exercise, suffer with malabsorption due to prolonged illness or have a disease – such as tuberculosis, cancer or an eating disorder – weight gain can be vital to your…
Losing Weight Could Be Aided By Your Sleep Pattern
Fad diets are common and a new one can be found in the newspapers and online forums every week. In a new claim which is sweeping the media, diet experts are claiming that sleep could be the new way to shift the pounds! It sounds too good to…
Got Excess Belly Fat? Try These Tips to Lose it!
The majority of people wanting to tone up will cite their stomach as one of the main problem areas - it's generally one of the first places excess weight goes. So, if you're trying to shift the bulge before the summer hits, you'll no doubt…
Trying to Lose Belly Weight? Try These Tricks!
We all want a toned body, particularly around the stomach which can be a problem area for a lot of people, but it can be difficult. Losing that extra few pounds around your middle can help you to increase your energy levels and gain more…
Fighting Life’s Surprises: a Five Step Guide to Weight Loss
With so many surprises in life, is it any wonder why weight loss and wellness plans can go flying out the window? Whether it’s an unexpected joy or annoyance that arrives in your life, it is usually at this point when you end up struggling…
Fight Stubborn Belly Fat with these Seven Ways!
No one loves belly fat from an aesthetic point of view, but this kind of fat is actually dangerous to your overall wellbeing. A portly midsection is a significant indicator of disease, signifying that your levels of the stress hormone…
Weight Worries: Four Health Reasons for Weight Gain
Weight loss is pretty straight forward: eat less, exercise more, and there you have it. So if you seem to keep piling on the pounds no matter how many diets you try, the problem may have more to do with your general wellness than with your…
Summer is (Finally) Here: How to Get Bikini Ready
With summer finally here, or at least in the process of arriving, you can suddenly become all too aware that it’s time to dust off the old bikini. With a trip to a crowded beach looming, you need tips that can help you lose weight quickly,…
Losing Weight at Work is Easier Than You Thought
We all know we should make more of an effort with our fitness, especially if you're trying to maintain a healthy weight. But losing weight can be difficult if you're strapped for time. With many of us committing to long work schedules, it…
How to Lose Weight with Small, Simple Changes
For some reason, when you decide to lose weight, you often overhaul your whole life, make drastic, complicated strategies, and end up sitting on the floor two days later with a tub of ice cream in your hand and a look of disappointment on…
The Best Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight
It’s a common occurrence to find yourself gaining weight as you get older, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to stay slim as you age. There are just some different things you have to think about to ensure that you aren’t!-->-->!-->-->…
Top Three Ways to be Sure You Don’t Gain Weight
Stress can be one of the biggest causes of us gaining weight. So if you want to avoid piling on the pounds it’s best to avoid stress. Of course, in our increasingly stressful lives that is usually virtually impossible. So here are!-->-->!-->-->…
How To Gain Weight Quickly and Healthily
If you struggle to gain weight, you'll probably have blamed your metabolism at some point for your skinnier frame. Those with a tendency to burn calories more quickly may be opting for high-calorie foods such as cakes and biscuits, but this…
The Number One Weight-Loss Management Skill
Can you guess what the number one weight-loss management skill is? Here are a few clues. It's not about willpower, determination or motivation. It's not avoiding carbs or cutting down on sugar or fats. And it's not even cooking,!-->-->!-->-->…
The Real Top Five Lifestyle Changes that Boost Weight Loss
There are plenty of “top five” lists out there for weight loss and wellness techniques, but on this list there are five simple habits that, with the right motivation, anyone can implement in their lives. If you want to burn a little bit of…
How Viagra Can Help You Lose Weight
A team of researchers have found an interesting use for the sex drug Viagra. It has been shown that it could also be used to prevent excess weight gain. Scientists at Germany’s University of Bonn discovered that the drug converts white fat…
Hormones Often to Blame For Weight Gain
We often think that weight gain is entirely to do with our lifestyles. If we overindulge in a diet that’s high in fat and sugar and don’t get enough regular exercise, we’re bound to put on weight, right? Well yes, but that doesn’t tell the…
Can You Use ViSalus For Weight Loss?
There are many companies and diets that claim to offer miracle weight loss effects. And of course as dieting is such big business across the world, it’s no surprise that so many people change their diet on a regular basis. Even in today's…
Top 10 Celebrity Workout Tips
Many of us hanker after that classic celebrity body. Even if we don’t want the lifestyle or the money of the rich and famous, we would like to look like they do. Indeed, looking the right way has become a kind of an obsession for a large…
Don’t Believe Everything You Read
Weight loss scams are becoming increasingly popular because many people are looking for a quick and easy way to lose weight. When it comes to these amazing weight loss products on the market that promise superb results, individuals must…
How to Lose Weight Quickly with Fasting and Diet Changes
You’ve been in that situation; you have a special event coming up soon, and tried on your go-to party dress, only to find that it’s a little to snug for decent wear. Luckily, there are ways that you can lose those extra quickly, and reunite…