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Is Watching TV Bad for Children?

Some experts have suggested that children under the age of 12 should watch no more than one hour of television each day. But for many parents, trying to tear children away from the TV can be an on-going battle. But is watching television…

Natural High

Eco-therapy is a natural therapy that encourages people to spend more time outdoors – particularly in natural environments to boost mental wellbeing. As a philosophy, it’s nothing new – after all, in the past doctors regularly recommended…

Change One Thing

If you’ve decided that you’d like to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, it can be difficult to know where to begin. The trick is not to try and reorganise your entire lifeovernight – instead try introducing just one green idea…

The Secrets of Successful Teams

The renowned 19th century philanthropist Andrew Carnegie described teamwork as “The fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” And in most organisations people will be expected to work in teams from time to time. Some teams…

Anxiety is Not All in your Mind

If you think anxiety is all in your mind, you’re wrong. While it may start there, the physical symptoms of anxiety can run rampant through your body. Anxiety is a psychological condition that can produce very real, physical symptoms, such…